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Subdirector demandado por abuso sexual de estudiante

Subdirector demandado por abuso sexual de estudiante

Michael Guzman, 57, a current principal at Gabrielino High School is being sued for child se abuse. The abuse allegedly occurred when Guzman was working as a teacher and basketball coach at Woodrow Wilson High School with the Los Angeles Unified School District. According to the lawsuit, the abuse occurred from 1997 to 2000. According to the lawsuit, Guzman was caught alone with the two teenage victims separately by other school staff. The lawsuit claims that the abuse occurred in the school attic as well as in a hotel. They claim that the district was aware of should have been aware of the abuse. In fact, another teacher allegedly reached out to the students to apologize for not doing anything about the situation.

This is just one of many instances of child sex abuse in schools in the area. Teachers, coaches, assistant principals, and other staff have almost unlimited access to children. Many adults (staff) who are aware of the situation simply ignore it and completely fail to report what is happening. Victims are often afraid to speak up in fear of retaliation. Some victims are groomed, so they believe that they are in a “relationship” and not a situation of abuse.

Victims of school child sex abuse can sue the liable school district and be entitled to compensation. For more information about the legal options available to you, we urge you to contact us as soon as possible. SurvivorsAdvocate is ready to provide you with the guidance that you need to fight for your rights and help you recover the payout that you are owed.